Ginco Award 2019
Best Kids / Youth Comic
The nominees are:
- Das verfluchte Elixier by Veronika Gruhl
- Green & Gold (Grün und Gold) by Lisa Brenner
- Massu Blacksmith's Daughter (Massu Schmiedstochter) by Ines Korth
- Cool Cops on the Case by Inga-Lisa Burmester
- JAZAM! 13 Schreckgeschichten by Jazam!
- Utille by Hannes Stummvoll
- Machen ist wie wollen, nur krasser by Valentin Krayl
Best Experimental Work
The nominees are:
- Koukla by Alexandra Rügler
- Mondo #6: X 3% by Mondo Kollektiv
- Maus und Krokodil by Sebastian Gneiting
- The Muse by Lilli Loge
- The Full Moon and his Cape by Dominik Wendland
- Odradek Magazin by Odradek Kollektiv
- Comic*Gender - concept by Annina Brell, realisation by various artists
Best Short Comic
The nominees are:
- Die Hohenzollern von Hoboken by Thilo Krapp
- Novembernebel by Hanna Wenzel
- Wilhelm will ans Meer by Matthias Lehmann
- Stimmt so by Stefanie (Stew) Wegner und Timo Müller-Wegner
- Der Zuhörer by Moritz von Wolzogen
- Gwenbari & Leandre by Sarah Nieves and Raphaelle Roux
- I hate the sun by Minho Jung
Best Longform Comic
The nominees are: