The Award Committee of 2022

Our goal is once again to assemble a diverse committee with a wide range of perspectives and expertise, drawing from different areas of the comic and manga scene, as well as the fields of research and press.
In 2022, we were able to enlist the following competent people:

Kathrin Klingner
Kathrin Klingner is a comic author/artist and lives with her family in Hamburg. She studied art in Amsterdam as well as illustration in Hamburg. She teaches graphic storytelling and gives comic book workshops for young people. Her works have been published with Reprodukt and her latest comic Über Spanien lacht die Sonne was awarded the GINCO 2021 in the category "Best Long Comic".

Ines Korth
Ines Korth is a communication designer and comic artist. She publishes on paper as well as online and also enjoys working as a colorist for other comic creators. In 2018, her webcomic Massu, Schmiedstochter got published by Schwarzer Turm Verlag. Right now she is working on several Die Drei Fragezeichen/The Three Investigators comics for KOSMOS.

Rilana Kubassa
Rilana Kubassa is a freelance journalist and author, and teaches media workshops in Berlin. She studied art history and modern German literature as well as media studies in Kiel and wrote her first comics article for the comics scholarship journal Closure founded just there. Rilana's journalistic focus is on socially oriented topics. Her article "Voll machtlos," published in the Tagesspiegel, was nominated for the "Deutscher Sozialpreis" (German Social Award) in 2021. She regularly writes about comics and culture for the Tagesspiegel.

Elizabeth Pich
Elizabeth Pich is a German-American comic artist. After studying design and computer science at the HBKsaar and University of Saarland, she works as a comic artist in Saarbrücken, Germany. Since 2011, she has created several comic series, including War and Peas, with Jonathan Kunz, and Fungirl. Her comics are internationally published and read weekly by over 1 million readers.

Ralf Singh
In 2015, Ralf decided to drop out of university to pursue his greatest passion: drawing comics. Since then he has published comics for numerous publishers in Germany, the USA, and Italy. Among them is his very own comic Zinnober that sold up to 8,000 copies world-wide. Today, Ralf is an accomplished author, colorist, and letterer with international experience in numerous genres. In Germany his comics are published by his own label Dead Diver.

Kami Wallner
Kami Wallner ist Illustrator und Comiczeichner (Get Your Man beim Schwarzen Turm), führt seit nun schon 35 Jahren ein Leben am Photoshop Limit; ist oft im Fandom unterwegs und hat einen sehr langen Hund. Jared Harris hat mal eine Illu von ihm nachgestellt.
The award committee is invited by the organizing team, but acts independently. Its members are free to use pre-existing categories or come up with their own criteria and ideas. A shortlist will be published a few weeks before the award ceremony.
Any questions regarding entries or technical difficulties are to be directed at the organizing team.