Ginco Award 2021
The Award-Committee of 2021

Our goal is to assemble a diverse committee with a wide range of perspectives and expertise, drawing from different areas of the comic and manga scene, as well as the fields of research and press.
In 2021, we were able to enlist the following competent people:

Kristina Gehrmann
The illustrator and graphic novelist, who is actively supporting the comic scene for a while now, is exploring historical and fantasy subjects in a detailed painterly style. After Im Eisland (winner of the German Childrens‘ Literature Award in 2016) and Der Dschungel, her third graphic novel Bloody Mary is going to be pulished in 2021. She is also practically deaf since birth and uses cochlea implants.

Vanessa Ossa
As a board member of the German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor) and co-organizer of ComFor’s 15th annual conference 2020 ("Comics & Agency: Actors, Publics, Participation"), Dr. Vanessa Ossa has been working academically on the medium comics for many years. Her current research focuses, among other things, on comic fans and participatory practices in the field of popular comics culture. She is emploed as a research associate at the Institute for Media Culture and Theatre at the University of Cologne and at the University of Amsterdam.

Markus Pfalzgraf
As a journalist, Markus Pfalzgraf writes about politics for German public TV and radio. He also constantly reports on comics, especially on those about queer identities. He still keeps an eye on other aspects of diversity. Markus also helps organizing and moderating artist talks at the ComicJuju festival in Southern Germany.

Büke Schwarz
The Berlin artist has studied fine arts with a focus on painting and graphic arts at the UdK Berlin and at UAL London. She received her degree at the UdK Berlin as a master student (Meisterschülerin) of Valérie Favre. In addition, she earned a
master'ss degree in design at HBKsaar with a focus on pictorial narratives. Her comic debut Jein was published by Jaja Verlag early 2020. In the same year it won the GINCO-Award in the category "Best Longform Comic“.

Ali Schwarzer
Ever since he went to study Media and Communication as well as African Studies, Ali Schwarzer has dealt extensively with the topics "freedom of expression" and cartoons in the context of South African post-apartheid society. For the online magazine Übermedien he also writes irregularly about racism in the German media.